LaToya Jackson doet schokkende onthulling over broer in opgedoken video

Net binnenmrt 07 2019, 22:09
Er is een video opgedoken van LaToya Jackson waarop ze haar broer Michael beschuldigd van pedofilie. De video is al uit 1993, maar zou nu een belangrijke rol kunnen gaan spelen in de kwestie over het misbruik van de poplegende, nadat onlangs documentaire Leaving Neverland uitkwam.
"I cannot, and will not, be a silent collaborator of his crimes against small, innocent children”, zegt Latoya in de video. "If I remain silent then it means I fuel the guilt and humiliation these children are feeling and I think it's very wrong,"
Latoya werd zelf ook seksueel misbruikt. "I am a victim myself and I know what it feels like, and these kids are going to be scarred for the rest of their lives and I don't want to see any more innocent, small children being affected this way.”
"I love Michael dearly but I feel even more sorry for these children because they don't have a life anymore, they don't."

Bekijk het interview met LaToya Jackson hier: