Remake van horrorklassieker IT laat mensen gillen met eerste trailer [SPOILERS]

Entertainmentmrt 14 2017, 14:57
Velen van ons hebben vroeger regelmatig nachtmerries gehad na het zien van de legendarische horrorfilm IT, over Pennywise de angstaanjagende clown.
Momenteel is er een remake in de maak Steven King’s horrorklassieker en die beloofd enger dan ooit worden. Bezoekers van het SXWS Film Festival waren de eerst die alvast de trailer te zien kregen en deze kreeg de hele zaal al aan het gillen.
Dit is wat een van de aanwezigen vertelt over de trailer [SPOILERS]: "The trailer opens with footage of Bill Denbrough making a paper boat for his little brother Georgie. We then move outside, where Georgie is chasing his boat in a rainstorm as it floats next to the curb.
Suddenly, Georgie runs right into a street barrier, which knocks him down on the ground. He then watches as his boat sails into a gutter. He runs to the gutter and tries to see if he can see his boat.
As he looks deep into the sewers, Pennywise abruptly appears before the screen cuts to black.
Then we are shown the members of the Loser’s Club meeting each other and realizing that they’ve all been seeing the same entity, before one of them finally says ‘The Clown’.
Once that happens, the teaser then moves into its centre-piece, which shows the members of the Loser’s Club looking at pictures on a carousel slide projector that suddenly acquires a life of its own and begins moving through the slides at an increasingly alarming speed.
The pictures are of Georgie and his parents, and each slide zooms in on Georgie’s face before cutting to his mother, whose hair is covering her face.
As the projector moves from slide to slide, the hair moves out of his mother’s face, and her face is revealed to be that of Pennywise himself.
The teaser ends with Bill walking down into his flooded basement, where Georgie’s ghost taunts him by repeatedly screaming… before Pennywise rises from the water and rushes at him in a moment that had the entire audience screaming.

De nieuwe IT zal uitkomen op8 september van dit jaar. Bekijk hier de trailer van de originele IT: